====== Running OpenEMM with VirtualBox ====== If you want to run OpenEMM on any other operating system than supported you can use the virtualization software VirtualBox.\\ We are providing an almost ready to use appliance for easy installation.\\ To use this appliance you first have to install VirtualBox (supported) or any other virtualization software which supports the open virtualization format to import a virtual machine. ===== Installing VirtualBox ===== ==== Windows and OS X ==== You can download the latest version here: [[https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads]] ==== Linux ==== You can install VirtualBox from the repositories provides by your OS.\\ On Ubuntu you can install it with\\ \\ ''sudo apt install virtualbox''\\ \\ If you need the latest version or your OS does not provide packages you can download it here: [[https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads]] ===== Importing the OpenEMM appliance ===== Download the appliance from our website: **[[https://www.agnitas.de/en/download/openemm-ova/]]**\\ Now you can start VirtualBox. After starting VirtualBox, click on **File**, **Import Appliance** and select the downloaded **.ova** file. Then click on **Next**.\\ In this menu you can edit the settings for this virtual machine, but the default settings are sufficient for the beginning.\\ If you change the network adapter settings, please make sure that after your changes it is still in **bridged** mode for best functionality.\\ When you are happy with the settings click on **Import**. Now you can start the virtual machine by selecting it and clicking **Start**.\\ A terminal will open where you can login for the first time. Use the user **root** and the password **OpenEMM**. You will be asked to change this password immediately. An IP address will be automatically assigned using DHCP. If you have to set up an IP address manually edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3. BOOTPROTO=static IPADDRESS= PREFIX= GATEWAY= DNS1= You can see the current IP address with the command ''ip a''. Now switch to user openemm with\\ ''su - openemm'' ===== Configuring and running OpenEMM ===== Please mind the default credentials for the database:\\ User **root** password **OpenEMM** \\ User **openemm** password **OpenEMM** Run the OpenEMM Maintenance Tool (OMT) with ''bin/OMT.sh''. You can now continue the configuration of OpenEMM with the **OpenEMM Install & Admin Guide** at chapter **5 OpenEMM Deployment -> Configuration**. \\ The Install & Admin Guide is available at the [[start|main page]]. \\ Please do not forget to update your systems hostname or optionally set parameter myhostname in postfix's main.cf configuration file to your FQDN. \\